Corrugated Packaging Materials (Part 2)
Corrugated Packaging Materials (Part 2) 1200 1200 BloomPack // the previous blog, we discussed what corrugated material is. And the various Corrugated Packaging Materials. This blog we will go over Corrugated material and when & why it ought to be used.
When Should You Use Corrugated Packaging?
Corrugated packaging is an ideal choice for a variety of applications. First, because it is 100% recyclable, it is an excellent choice for any company concerned about its environmental impact, especially as sustainability becomes increasingly important to people in the business world.
Corrugated packaging is also extremely adaptable. You can modify the board type, adhesive, and flute size. It can also be coated with a variety of protective layers. Corrugated packaging, for example, can have a flame retardant layer applied to it for use when shipping flammable or wet resistant materials in conditions such as high humidity or wide temperature variation.

This type of packaging can be very strong in relation to its weight and can protect fragile items during shipment. The products are packed between layers of corrugated packaging that is strong enough to withstand pressure or turbulence. These boxes can withstand being dropped as well as being subjected to high levels of vibration.
Finally, this type of material is very affordable. It is one of the least expensive options available, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce packaging costs without sacrificing product protection.
Why Corrugated?
Because corrugated cardboard boxes are so common, it’s easy to overlook them. We tend to think about what we put in them while barely considering the box itself. They are, indeed, ordinary. But they are so much more than that. See below for some of the reasons they are extraordinary.
Corrugated packaging is used to store approximately half of all goods manufactured worldwide. This is due not only to manufacturers’ awareness of the numerous benefits associated with this type of packaging, but also to consumer preferences.
Corrugated packaging is an excellent choice for companies concerned about its environmental impact. It is one of the least expensive options available, making it a good choice for those looking to reduce packaging costs without sacrificing product protection.